Edmarc’s registered nurses provide physician-directed care in the comfort of families’ homes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
In-home care is the hallmark of Edmarc and allows for better, holistic care for kids. Our team of nurses provides for the patient’s and family’s wishes and offer a wide variety of services in the home including:
- blood transfusions
- drawing labs
- IV fluids
- line care
- medication management
- pain management
- patient & family teaching
- wound care
Edmarc nurses are also available to educate families on their child’s diagnosis and care. Teaching may include how to administer medications, perform a dressing change, or recognize changes in condition. Empowering families with this knowledge allows them to feel confident in the care their child receives.
Edmarc families are still actively seeking treatment, and some children may become a stable discharge from our program. In other cases, they may transition to end-of-life care where nurses provide the most comfort possible during the final days.
Edmarc nurses are there for families whenever needed. Whether a phone call, virtual visit, or in-home care, our nurses embrace families and provide the support they need.
“Every time I think that there is no way a certain patient can be at home due to the complexity and technical needs of a child’s care, Edmarc figures out a way to make it work.”
Linda Pegram, M.D.